Vaping may seem a very modern practice so you may be surprised to learn the idea of the e-cigarette was formulated in the 1960s by Herbert A. Gilbert.

Unfortunately, at the time, he couldn’t convince anybody to bring the product to market. His prototype ‘the Smokeless’ could have made him a fortune. Although it isn’t exactly like modern e-cigarettes, it does share many similarities.

Here at Vapor Shop Direct Distro we’re highly passionate about all things vaping. That includes stocking the widest possible range of e-liquids.

Offer a wide spectrum of flavours to your customers.

If you run a vaping business, e-liquids might be the lifeblood of your company. After all, they’re the products which customers purchase the most often. Whether you run a store in a shopping mall or online, we can keep you well stocked at all times.

We have the world’s brands under one virtual roof, including Ramsey e-liquids. As a trusted wholesale distributor, we’re happy to provide you with more information on any of our products.

To become a customer, all you need to do is create a wholesale account.

If you need a wholesale distributor of e-liquids, find out more about Vapor Shop Direct Distro today.